A large dual purpose breed, white with nice black lacing around their necks and black wing and tail feather tips. We have three different bloodlines that we have been working to improve to quality while maintaining good egg production for many years. They include Laval lines which are hard to find from anyone else in Western Canada.
They lay extra large brown eggs and are winter hardy. Hens lay 300+ eggs a year for years. Extra roosters finish well on grass with flavorful meat at 6-7lbs. As a very smart bird, they are great foragers for free ranging. They work well in multi-breed flocks but will be the boss of the hen house.
Chicks start at $10 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Sometimes we will have sexed pullets at 6-8 weeks old. Hatching eggs are available for $30/doz or $2.50 an egg. Breeding and meat roosters are also available. No hens are available.
We currently have Partridge Cochins from three different blood lines, one imported from the States. The Partridge hens have beautiful lacing from their necks to their whole body and males are dark and mottled. These are handsome, massive fowl of the Asiatic class with gorgeous feathered feet.
Cochins are fair layers of medium to large brown eggs. They are excellent winter layers. Hens lay 275+ eggs a year for years. Roosters grow fast and finish close to 10lbs. As a very happy breed, they get along well in a mixed flock of different breeds. They are great broody hens that can cover a lot of eggs.
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Sometimes we will have sexed pullets at 6-8 weeks old. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Breeding and meat roosters are also available. No hens are available.
We have Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucanas. Our line combines genetics from AB, SK, and MB. These are beautiful bearded birds of medium size. The Black colouration has a strong iridescence. Splash are a mixture of white to black with grey feathering and a crowd favourite at exhibitions.
The Ameraucana is one of the few chicken breeds to lay blue eggs and should not be confused with cross breeds often referred to as “Easter Eggers” with varying degrees of egg pigment and plumage. They are consistent layers of medium to large sized eggs. Hens lay 250+ eggs a year for years. Roosters are often used to create "rainbow cartons" as they carry the blue gene. While they do well in mixed flocks, they are independent and like to hang out with their own breed (so you need at least three!).
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Breeding and meat roosters are also available. No hens are available.
We have Silver Laced Polish from one line imported from the States. They are known for their crest of feathers. They are a friendly and curious bird that are great with kids.
Polish chickens are bred primarily as a show bird or pets, but do lay medium white eggs. They rarely go broody and are only a fair layer of around 175+ eggs a year.
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $17 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from April to June. Hatching eggs may be available in May, June and July for $75/doz or $6.25 an egg. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
We have Black Copper Marans from one local line covered by a rooster from Ontario. There are both the classic French line (feathered feet) and American line (non feathered feet). They are a quiet and gentle bird that are great freerangers and in a mixed flock.
BCM are prized for their very dark brown eggs (centre). Hens lay 200+ eggs a year. At the beginning of their cycle, their eggs will be the darkest. The colour lightens until they moult. Roosters are often used to create "rainbow cartons" for olive eggers.
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available in very limited quantities for $60 a doz or $5 an egg. Breeding and meat roosters are also available. No hens are available.
We have Salmon Faverolles from one line from Ontario covered by roosters imported from the USA. Salmons are known for their extra toe, puffy muffs, and salmon colour bodies. They have a great disposition and are a good choice for families.
Faverolles are good layers of medium/large cream/pinkish eggs. Hens lay 250+ eggs a year. Roosters are non aggressive to either people or birds. They do not wander far and like the quiet life.
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Sometimes we will have sexed pullets at 4 weeks old. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
Welsummers are a Dutch breed. Our line is from BC. They are active and have a docile temperament. Welsummers do well in a mixed flock. The breed is most known for the colour of the eggs.
Hens lay about 200 dark brown speckled eggs a year. To complete your rainbow carton, you need this breed!
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60 a doz or $5 an egg. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
Wyandottes are an American breed. Our line is from Alberta and Manitoba. They are calm and friendly birds that are well suited for mixed flocks, but they will be near the top of the pecking order. They are good freerangers. Because of their pea combs, they are cold hardy and do well in Alberta winters.
Hens should lay about 225 light brown eggs a year. The breed is dual purpose as hens weigh in at 6-7lbs and roosters at 8-9lbs.
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
Dominiques were used to create the Plymouth Rock chicken. They are actually the chicken recognized as being the first in America. They are curious and friendly, good free rangers and foragers. They are also great for Alberta, being cold hardy with their rose combs.
Hens should lay 250 light brown eggs a year.
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
Olive Eggers technically aren't a breed - at least, they aren't purebred. Olive eggers are created by mixing a dark brown layer with a blue layer. We have a type of Olive Egger mix called the Mars Bar, which is created by mixing Crested Cream Legbars with Black Copper Marans. We also have F2 and F3 Olive Eggers that will lay various shades of green.
Hens should lay about 225 eggs of various shades of green a year. Egg colour is not guaranteed. To complete your rainbow carton, you need these!
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $12 each at one week old. Some may be sexed at hatch. If so, females are $25 and males are $5. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
This is a landrace breed from southern Sweden. They are active and good free rangers. Although independent in nature, they can be raised to be very friendly with people. They come in various shades of black, blue, red, brown, and buff, and feathers are tipped with white, which look like speckles. They can be crested or non crested.
Hens should lay about 200 cream/white eggs a year.
Chicks are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $15 each at one week old. Discounts for over 10. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
This breed is originally from Germany. They have the best temperaments: very friendly and sociable with people. They are hardy and good free rangers.
Hens should lay about 225 large brown eggs a year. This is an excellent dual purpose breed. Males mature to 10-12lbs, females to 9lbs.
Chicks can be sexed at hatch. Females are $25 ea and males are $5 ea. Chicks are normally available from March to June. Hatching eggs are available for $60/doz or $5 an egg. Breeding roosters are also available. No hens are available.
We currently have Royal Palm Turkeys. They are medium to small sized attractive turkey. They are white with black edging on their feathers. Active and friendly, they are unlike many other breeds of turkeys. They are fairly good fliers and good foragers.
Royal Palms aren't a commercial breed of turkey, but are excellent for small farms as pets (like Walmart greeters!) or slow growing meat. Each bird has it's own personality and make a great addition to farms with children. They are inconsistent layers but when they do lay, hens can go broody and raise their own young. The eggs have high fat content and are good for baking.
Poults are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $20 each at one week old. Poults are normally available from April to June. Hatching eggs are available at $60 a dozen/ $5 an egg. No adults are available of either sex.
We currently have a mixed flock with Lavender, Grey Pearl, Buff, Pied, Royal Purple, and Ivory Guineas. They are excellent foragers and are known for insect control, especially ticks, ants, and grasshoppers. Their loud, aggressive calls are known to deter predators and alert everyone on the farm of something different or new (for better or worse!).
Guineas are eaten as a delicacy in many cultures. Many people also keep them for insect control and a predation deterrent. They are ground nesters and will often hide their eggs. They lay small eggs with hard shells with excellent flavour. They are highly social and notoriously hard to sex.
Keets are sold straight run (unsexed) and start at $17 each at one week old. Keets are normally available from May to August. No adults of either sex are available.
Chicks are less than a week old and are sold straight run (unsexed). Generally available from March-June.
Started Pullets may be available for some breeds and are over 6 weeks old and off heat. Generally available from April-July. No waitlists - first come, first serve when advertised on social media or in e-newsleter
Breed standard roosters are currently available.
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